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Your #Cortex Insights from Intellyx for 5/27/2020:

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Supply Chain: The reactive contact surface of digital transformation

by Jason English, in Intellyx Cortex Newsletter

We’ve talked about the modernization of legacy enterprise systems and the dawn of cloud-native, and everything from low-code to AIOps. We’ve covered how these digital transformations drive value through business applications that meet customer needs, in whatever Hybrid IT environment they run on.

Now let’s zoom in our view, behind the meta-layer of applications and infrastructure, to the supply chains that produce all of the commercial goods moving through our applications, and even the system hardware itself.

Current events have brought the world’s focus back to supply chains. How did the United States lose so much of its capacity to produce pharmaceuticals and medical devices? Why are farms disposing of crops and livestock, when many store shelves are empty and food lines are forming?

Why can’t we just flip a digital transformation switch and tell our software to reroute these supply chains to meet current demands?

Highly interconnected and non-linearMany assume there’s a linear process to the supply chain, something like:
Design > Source > Build > Transport > Sell > Service… and all of the data and payments required to support each step in the process.

Supply chains are massive global multi-party networks, encompassing as much as $80T in annual global GDP in 2019 — without taking into account the impact an unprecedented year like 2020 will have on that estimate.

Attempting to encompass a supply chain into digital transformation terms can be like trying to count the waves in an ocean — because they are seldom discrete entities ... [Read the rest of the article here.]


Migrating from Cloud to Cloud-Native

Intellyx White Paper for by Jason Bloomberg

Enterprise IT infrastructure is moving to a new paradigm of cloud-native computing: a broad set of architectural principles and best practices centered on Kubernetes, a popular open source container orchestration platform.

Moving apps from either on-premises or cloud environments to Kubernetes, however, can be tricky. It can be difficult to achieve Kubernetes’ rapid scale-out capabilities, especially for stateful applications. 

Download to read:
The Cloud as Legacy
Is Migrating to Kubernetes the Answer?
Example: Migrating the ELK Stack
The Intellyx Take... [Read more]

Financial services firms have been at the forefront of innovation and the changing business landscape for generations. Whether it was shifting regulatory demands or the adoption of technology, as the world changed, it almost always began in financial services. The post-industrial Digital Era is ushering in yet another era of change.

There is another seismic shift occurring in the financial services sector. Even for well-practiced IT teams, however, the pace and depth of this transformation will be a.. [Read more]

The pandemic-driven shift to virtual business merely accelerated existing, disruptive trends. Adapting to what’s next comes down to two seemingly disparate components.

The world is in a state of chaos. Everything that we know about how the world works has changed, seemingly overnight.

And that was before the COVID-19 pandemic shut down the world.

The fact is that our world is now far removed from... [Read more]

Will There Be No Jobs In The Future Of Work?

Medium Article by Charles Araujo

I don’t know about you, but I’ve become much more selective about what email newsletters I subscribe to these days (which, btw, is why I’m so honored that you consider this one worthy!).

I don’t sign up for many new ones, but one of my recent additions is called Brave New Work by The Ready. (As an aside, Brave New Work is a case study on how a consulting company should do an email newsletter!)

As you might surmise by the name, the newsletter addresses all facets of the Future of Work and how organizations can transform themselves for... [Read more]

Cloud-Native Security and Performance: Two Sides of the Same Coin

Intellyx BrainBlog for Sysdig by Jason Bloomberg

You’re running Kubernetes in a production environment, and you need to apply a patch — perhaps to a commercial application, an open source component or even a container image. How long should it take to implement that patch in production? Thirty days? One day? One hour?

Remember, cloud-native environments are supposed to respond to change in real-time. Such a response isn’t simply scaling up or down as needed. It’s also essential to respond to security threats, and performance issues, as close to real-time as possible.

Containers, and the microservices they support, are also ephemeral. They can live for five minutes or even less, and yet unpatched microservices are just as dangerous as... [Read more]

Intellyx in the Press & Blogosphere

• Why enterprises must build better software faster
• The differentiated value of Low-Code
• How Low-Code support innovation
• Low-Code, Digital Transformation & Banking... [Read more]
Jump the Vendor Track and Steer Enterprise Platforms to the Cloud
DZone post by Jason English for Rimini Street

We all know where this train is going. Enterprise IT is making an inexorable departure toward a cloud-based future, while many of their core systems like Oracle and SAP are still sitting on the platform.

Over the last 20 years, businesses constantly replaced on-premises application suites and desktop tools with on-demand SaaS and cloud-based services. Companies naturally prefer procuring software flexibly on a pay-as-you-go basis, rather than a license-per-seat or per-datacenter basis.

The great switch-out of CapEx for OpEx started with... [Read more]
How to Become a Product-Centric Organization
Medium Article by Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz

President at Intellyx, Jason Bloomberg, tells us that “product-centricity is one important aspect of the disruptive change that digital transformation is bringing to enterprise. The shift from project to product-centricity is a critically important, but rarely discussed aspect of the DevOps cultural shift.” Overall, this shift from a project-centric to a product-centric application approach does not come without challenges. As organizations gain more experience with... [Read more]
Is the Future of RPA Promising or Perilous
Camunda blog post by Jakob Freund 

I recently participated in a CamundaCon Live panel, led and moderated by Jason Bloomberg at Intellyx, about how enterprises are currently using RPA. My fellow panelists (Vittorio Dal Bianco at Nokia, Marco Einacker at Deutsche Telekom and Paul Jones at NatWest) provided a fascinating look on the benefits and limitations of this much-discussed technology.

During the panel... [Read more]
Intellyx Solution Brief on ShuttleOps
ShuttleOps repost of Brain Candy blog

ShuttleOps is a startup emerging from a long stealth runway of enterprise service engagements, with a solution that standardizes much of the application packaging and production CI/CD pipeline into a drag-and-drop, push-button execution exercise... [Read more]
Why Transformation Requires a Process-First Mentality
iGrafx blog post by Christina Dieckmeyer

Last week we wrapped up this year’s iNNOVATE conference. It was a great success and we thank everyone that attended! This year we did things a little differently and hosted a weeklong virtual event to discuss the future of transformation. And we had transformation leaders from around the globe share their insights and best practices that they have gleaned from decades of hands-on experience.

One of the highlights was our opening keynote session, given by Charles Araujo, Principal Analyst at Intellyx. Charles discussed with our audience why transformation requires a... [Read more]

See Intellyx at these Upcoming Events


Indiana IT Symposium

Date: September 23, 2020
Time: 7:15 AM - 5:30 PM
Location: Indiana Convention Center

More like, why wouldn’t you!

The Indiana IT Symposium, hosted by SIM Indianapolis, is the region’s premier single-day event designed for the IT executive community.

As technology continues to redefine business, geographic regions, and create border-less digital environments, it has become essential for IT executives to stay aware of global trends in order to integrate strategies into their operations. This allows your team to stay agile while maintaining your company’s competitive edge. The Symposium provides the region’s IT executives an opportunity to gather for a day of networking, collaboration, and knowledge-transfer through peer-led keynotes, breakouts, panels, and networking sessions.
Intellyx 3 Stooges

Intellyx is the first analyst and advisory firm focused on digital transformation for the enterprise. We help business executives and IT professionals connect the dots between disruptive new technologies and the challenges of implementing them with agility at scale to meet rapidly changing customer demands.


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