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Intellyx BrainCandy - January 14, 2020

Why are we already running a #BrainCandy Update? It wouldn't be a new year without new vendors! Want to appear in an upcoming #BrainCandy brief or invite us to your upcoming event? Email us at


 Latest BrainCandy Posts


Businesses lose, on average, $4 million dollars for every successful cyberattack. But despite an annual global network and infrastructure security spend of more than $33 billion dollars, data breaches and service interruptions still seem to be as unpreventable as the next extreme weather disaster.

Confluera is proactively seeking out the unique threat signatures and sequences that often fly under the radar of conventional security measures. These newer forms of attacks can move laterally through several user and application layers, often lurking undetected for days or months amidst a deluge of other alerts, file movements and system activity... [Read more]

Cyber Armor provides a novel approach to cloud-native security via ‘static objects’ that it attaches to microservices in a Kubernetes environment, as well as many other types of service endpoints.

These static objects bear some similarity to agents or sidecars, except that they directly instrument both file and network I/O without requiring any changes to the microservices or other instrumented code.

Cyber Armor then creates transparent TLS tunnels joining each instrumented microservice so that only authenticated workloads can... [Read more]

As large enterprises and cloud-dependent unicorns expanded their adoption of cloud over the last decade, the old maxim ‘don’t put all your eggs in one basket’ has taken hold again. In the last couple years, compliance and risk concerns have increasingly pushed application workloads toward deployment into a multi-cloud, hybrid IT estate.

DivvyCloud offers a real-time secure policy discovery, monitoring, design and execution platform for companies who cannot afford to rely on a... [Read more]

In almost every organization, there are those non-technical folks that can make Excel (or Google Sheets) do magic. They use their impressive skills to transform these tools from mere spreadsheets into data visualization tools, databases, and even full-fledged data-driven applications. It’s remarkable, but also misguided. The resulting applications are difficult to share and even harder to manage and govern — at least once they’re used by more than the creator. Still, countless power users have created these types of advanced applications within spreadsheets because they had few other options.

Excelleo is aiming to change that by giving power users a way to create data-driven applications as easily and as quickly as they would... [Read more]

Infoworks has completely revamped its messaging since we last wrote about the company in January 2019.

Today, Infoworks positions itself as an enterprise data operations and orchestration platform that ingests data from virtually any data source either on-premises or in the cloud.

Infoworks then provides a comprehensive, metadata-driven abstraction and data catalog that supports multiple data views and... [Read more]

We thought we’d catch up with blockchain company Kadena, since it’s been about a year since we last wrote about the company in January 2019.

Kadena’s core technical accomplishment is what it calls ‘braiding,’ where the company combines ten subchains to support the transactions on its main chain, thus increasing the hash rate of its blockchain by a factor of ten.

Then, once the company has established this ten-subchain blockchain architecture in the marketplace, it plans to roll out new blockchains with more... [Read more]

Did you know that the average utilization rate for industrial production equipment is less than 30 percent? You’d think in today’s post-Kanban/TPS report age of the supply chain, the machines would do better than this, if only we could talk to them.

As it turns out, MachineMetrics has just the thing to answer the command and control lag time problem: an Industrial Internet-of-Things (IIoT) platform that connects live equipment on the factory floor to analytics, reporting, production scheduling and... [Read more]

When you discover how Packet is offering a bare-metal IaaS public cloud that gives them the ability to provide the software and expertise to enterprise and telco clients who what to build private clouds following hyperscale best practices, you might declare “what impropriety is going on here?”

 Who are these upstarts, daring to offer such alternatives at a time when the experts have already called a three-horse race, and enterprise buyers of big cloud IaaS are all settled on their procurement plans? 

Simple — they are far more concerned with... [Read more]


Sentry started out as an open source application error monitoring SDK that is now widely embedded by front-end developers, coding in Javascript, nodeJS, Ruby and the like, with popular frameworks like React and Angular.

For performance and agility reasons, today’s customers insist on apps that depend on fewer round trips to back ends, while processing more and more business logic and... [Read more]


If teams of developers were to form some kind of sports league in the cloud, then Turbot would represent the commissioner’s rulebook and home office review for governing the fair play of that federation.

Turbot’s service offering creates a central point of control for governing app development, delivery activities and user access across software-defined infrastructure resources in AWS, GCP, Azure and... [Read more]


...Achieving this goal of immutable infrastructure in a Kubernetes environment is particularly challenging, because such an environment has so many elements, including applications that consist of multiple distributed microservices, platform add-ons, associated services like serverless functions, all running in numerous Kubernetes pods and clusters.

Weaveworks addresses this cloud-native application delivery problem with an approach the company calls GitOps. GitOps uses the open source version control software Git to maintain a single source of truth about the state of the Kubernetes environment, enabling reproducible automated app deployment.

In Weaveworks, GitOps diffs (differences between individual deployment states) continuously compare the desired state with the... [Read more]


 See Intellyx at these Upcoming Events


Designing A Cloud-Native Roadmap for Enterprise Applications

Date: January 23, 2020 (10:00 AM PST)

Robin Systems Webinar

Cloud-native computing begins with Kubernetes, but the benefits of cloud-native methodology extend to all of IT operations. However, IT organizations undertaking digital transformation initiatives face numerous challenges, including compliance, infrastructure compatibility, and technical expertise.

Join this informative webinar with Jason Bloomberg, President and Principal Analyst of Intellyx, and Simone Sassoli, Chief Customer Officer at, who will discuss strategies for migrating all enterprise applications – both stateless and stateful – to the cloud.

Attendees will learn what IT organizations need to consider if they want to deliver true IT transformation for:
• Lower OPEX
• Higher data availability
• Improved hardware utilization

Attendees will also hear examples of how Fortune 500 companies are creating a roadmap for automating the deployment, scaling and lifecycle management of enterprise applications to make their IT environments truly cloud-native.

BPM Renaissance: 5 Tips to Thrive in a Cloud-Native World

Date: February 12, 2020 (8:00 AM PT/ 11:00 AM ET / 5:00 PM CET)

Camunda Webinar

What to expect
A decade ago, business process management (BPM) focused on modeling and perhaps automating stable, repeatable back-office processes. Even with the bar set this low, many of the BPM tools on the market struggled to meet the needs of the business.

Today, business processes are more dynamic. Enterprises are more likely to focus on customer-facing, front-office processes. Low-code tools improve collaboration, increase quality, and lower technical debt. And we have yet to maximize the full power of the cloud to bring to bear. Welcome to the BPM renaissance.

On this live webinar, listen to Jason Bloomberg, president of analyst firm Intellyx, and Daniel Myer, CTO Camunda, as they discuss how today’s BPM addresses business problems the way first-generation BPM never could. They will cover the five core value propositions of next-generation BPM and explain how low-code technologies and cloud-native computing change the BPM game, allowing you to not just survive, but also thrive through these transformative times.

Jason Bloomberg attends KubeCon / CloudNativeCon 2020

Date: March 30, 2020 - April 2, 2020

Location: Amsterdam, NL

Jason is attending – To arrange a briefing during the event, just contact
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s flagship conference gathers adopters and technologists from leading open source and cloud native communities in Amsterdam, Netherlands from March 30 to April 2, 2020. Join Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy, CoreDNS, containerd, Fluentd, OpenTracing, gRPC, rkt, CNI, Jaeger, Notary, TUF, Vitess, NATS, Linkerd, Helm, Rook, Harbor, etcd, Open Policy Agent, and CRI-O as the community gathers for four days to further the education and advancement of cloud native computing.
Intellyx 3 Stooges

Intellyx is the first analyst and advisory firm focused on digital transformation for the enterprise. We help business executives and IT professionals connect the dots between disruptive new technologies and the challenges of implementing them with agility at scale to meet rapidly changing customer demands.


All content ©2020 Intellyx LLC. At the time of writing, none of the vendors mentioned here are Intellyx customers.  You are receiving this email because you have previously signed up for an Intellyx Brain Candy or Cortex newsletter. You can unsubscribe from this email or change your email notifications.


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