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Intellyx BrainCandy - Mar 10, 2020

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When we last covered Lightbend in August 2017, cloud-native computing was yet to arrive on the scene. At the time, the Lightbend’s story centered on reactive computing, a technical approach for building real-time applications.

Today, the reactive computing story is an essential component of the broader cloud-native computing movement, which delivers massive horizontal scale, ideally in real-time.

Achieving this real-time vision for... [Read more]

Serverless technologies like Functions-as-a-Service (FaaS) seem to be proliferating like wildfire within both startups and enterprises. But there’s a lot more to the serverless tool chain than AWS Lambda functions, when you take apart all the calls, data and connections a business process must rapidly handle to achieve execution.

Lumigo has built a suite of introspection, alerting, detection and monitoring tools to solve for the specific performance, vulnerability and budget management challenges of... [Read more]

...The telcos see an immense opportunity here, as they are already building out 5G infrastructure that includes edge compute capabilities at local points of presence and cell towers. However, enterprises are more likely to require a hybrid mix of edge compute resources, including their own on-premises edge as well as edge compute resources from multiple telco operators.

MobiledgeX is building a platform that addresses this complex combination of business requirements. The vendor offers a policy-driven matching engine that matches up... [Read more]

If the RPA (robotic process automation) market makes the journey from a form of automation for specialized tasks to true democratization of human-assisted automation, I’d expect UiPath to be clearing much of that pathway.

Looking at the massive uptick of the entire RPA market, and UiPath’s dominant sales and market share growth within it (moving from $60M to $360M ARR in 2 years and claiming 62% of the F500 as customers) you can see... [Read more]

 See Intellyx at these Upcoming Events


Jason Bloomberg attends KubeCon / CloudNativeCon 2020

Date: November 17-20, 2020

Location: Boston, MA

Jason is attending – To arrange a briefing during the event, just contact

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s flagship conference gathers adopters and technologists from leading open source and cloud native communities in Boston. Join Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy, CoreDNS, containerd, Fluentd, OpenTracing, gRPC, rkt, CNI, Jaeger, Notary, TUF, Vitess, NATS, Linkerd, Helm, Rook, Harbor, etcd, Open Policy Agent, and CRI-O as the community gathers for four days to further the education and advancement of cloud native computing.
Intellyx 3 Stooges

Intellyx is the first analyst and advisory firm focused on digital transformation for the enterprise. We help business executives and IT professionals connect the dots between disruptive new technologies and the challenges of implementing them with agility at scale to meet rapidly changing customer demands.


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