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A Brainload of Content for your #Cortex on 3/3/2020:

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The rise of serverless technology as part of a broader cloud application modernization movement has been going on for a few years. But it seems like the serverless romance has just sparked up, as the execution rate of functions-as-a-service (FaaS) approaches like AWS Lambda spiked dramatically over the last year, according to observed industry data.

Average weekly invocations of Lambda functions increased by 209% between June and December of 2019, with an impressive ‘holiday spike’ of additional transactional use showing at the end of the year, according to a February 2020 study of AWS customers by cloud observability vendor New Relic titled “For the Love of Serverless.”

Whether this uptick in volume is an indicator of increased use among an existing set of early customers, or the beginning of a real hockey stick curve in the number of dev shops utilizing serverless, it’s clear new technical talent will need to be cultivated to explore this change.

Lambda evolves with deepening developer skillsets
“Understanding how to deploy serverless applications is a challenge,” said Dave Townsend, Principal Software Engineer in the Innovation & Architecture group at Matson, Inc in a related interview.  “There is really no separation of code and infra now, so that takes some getting used to. It is still really early in this game, and I think as a community we’re evolving.”

Teams are inherently designing applications with the decoupling of logic and state in mind. The survey also shows that by quantity, the vast majority of functions customers monitored were various versions of Node.js (52.5%) and Python (35.8%) code, with lean code sizes and shorter (median 718ms) invocation times...

Intellyx BrainBlog for Tricentis, by Jason Bloomberg

Automation has been around for centuries and business process automation has been part of organizations’ operations for decades. Robotic process automation, in contrast, has only been on the radar for a handful of years — and yet, it has taken the world of automation by storm.

Automation, of course, has been a reality since the Jacquard loom of the early 19th, when punchcards instructed machines on how to complete automated tasks. And just as its punchcard technology inspired Charles Babbage and later Herman Hollerith to “program” machines to perform more advanced operations, automation itself has evolved over the years as technology innovations hit the market.

We could even argue that the point of the first digital computers was to perform automation — albeit mostly of calculation tasks. As computing technology progressed, people gained the ability to hand-code automation — either by creating bespoke applications that automated otherwise manual processes or... [Read more]

It would be difficult to find a viable company that doesn’t have any cloud migration strategy at all. 

Leading-edge firms will take an all or nothing approach to this migration — insisting that all business functionality must eventually resolve into the consumption of some sort of elastic cloud, whether in a leading IaaS like AWS or Azure, or in on-premises or bespoke flavors of private cloud.

Even market laggards have a plan to move at least one application to an on-demand cloud instance — dipping a toe in the water before taking the plunge. 

Businesses can accelerate development and modernize the delivery environment using cloud, but one thing never changes: Customers still expect software to function and perform as expected in production, no matter where it is deployed. 

They need applications to be highly available, secure and... [Read more]

Intellyx BrainBlog for IBM, by Jason Bloomberg

Recent news touted Red Hat OpenShift’s general availability on IBM Z mainframes as “kind of a big deal.” The reason: full IBM support for Kubernetes on the mainframe is an important component of any hybrid IT strategy for enterprises with mainframes.

However, this benefit undersells just how big of a deal this is. The story shouldn’t be: ‘if you already have a mainframe, you should run OpenShift on it.’ Instead, enterprises should be clamoring for mainframes to run OpenShift as the best platform for enterprise Kubernetes – whether they already have one or not.

The reason? Resilience... [Read more]

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is among the hottest enterprise technologies today, as it promises simple automation of a wide variety of tasks that humans have heretofore performed in front of computers.

RPA is especially useful when the interactions are with older, legacy applications, especially applications running on mainframes. To this end, RPA tools typically take a ‘screen scraping’ approach that works at the user interface (UI) level, mimicking how the user clicks through screens.

Automation at the application programming interface (API) level is more resilient than UI automation, but the older apps that are prime targets for RPA often lack APIs. There’s little choice but to interact with the UI – at least, according to the... [Read more]

Intellyx in the Press & Blogosphere

Charles Araujo, Principal Analyst at Intellyx, also provided insight into why it’s not possible to have a digital transformation that is not a business transformation. He discusses why the two have become intertwined, but also how at the end of the day it doesn’t negate the fact that you need to have a well-oiled machine – you can’t... [Read more]

Agile has been around for 19 years already, and it’s now a “must” to say we work in an agile way. But frequently Agile becomes a pure marketing buzzword, and is not well mastered yet. Why? Because Agile has flaws we fail to recognize: it cannot be used anywhere, it cannot support any kind of projects, and it needs ideal teams that we don’t find at every street corner. Nevertheless, the heritage of Agile will continue to lead our software development future for a while, and for the good as long as we think “behind” agile properly. Please share your opinion on this subject, so we can better mitigate the hype with your daily reality!

In February 2001, 17 middle-aged white guys came together at a Utah resort and hammered out the Manifesto for Agile Software Development. And lo, Agile was born. … A lot has changed in those 19 years. Tools have improved, providing better automation and collaboration. The cloud has changed the landscape. And diversity is now a priority. Indeed, Agile has... [Read more]

In the article Future of Work by Charles Araujo, he writes: Despite all the banter about the future of work no one is talking about what that really means. The inability to see through present reality has limited and tainted discussions about how future of work will fundamentally transform over... [Read more]

See Intellyx at these Upcoming Events


Jason Bloomberg attends KubeCon / CloudNativeCon 2020

Date: March 30, 2020 - April, 2, 2020
Location: Amsterdam, NL

Jason is attending – To arrange a briefing during the event, just contact

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s flagship conference gathers adopters and technologists from leading open source and cloud native communities in Amsterdam, Netherlands from March 30 to April 2, 2020. Join Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy, CoreDNS, containerd, Fluentd, OpenTracing, gRPC, rkt, CNI, Jaeger, Notary, TUF, Vitess, NATS, Linkerd, Helm, Rook, Harbor, etcd, Open Policy Agent, and CRI-O as the community gathers for four days to further the education and advancement of cloud native computing.

JE @ Atlassian Summit 2020

Date: March 31, 2020 - April 2, 2020
Location: Las Vegas, NV

Look for Intellyx Analyst Jason ‘JE’ English at the Atlassian Summit 2020 event. We’ll be covering and writing about the key developments happening at the conference, with a special interest in enterprise stories of DevOps, cloud-native development and digital transformation.

Vendors/PR/AR Requests: If you are an influencer relations or marketing leader for a disruptive vendor or exhibitor at the show, you can request a briefing time or demo/booth visit with Intellyx at

Atlassian Summit 2020
March 31 – April 2, 2020 – Agenda
Mandalay Bay Convention Center South, Las Vegas, NV, USA
Intellyx 3 Stooges

Intellyx is the first analyst and advisory firm focused on digital transformation for the enterprise. We help business executives and IT professionals connect the dots between disruptive new technologies and the challenges of implementing them with agility at scale to meet rapidly changing customer demands.


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