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Intellyx BrainCandy - January 28, 2020

We swipe left on the marketing hype, and hand-pick only the most interesting vendors for coverage each Brain Candy newsletter. Want to appear in an upcoming #BrainCandy brief or invite us to your upcoming event? Email us at


 Latest BrainCandy Posts


Self-healing operations have been a Holy Grail of enterprise IT for many years now, and as with the Grail, it’s always been out of reach.

Appnomic gets closer to this vision for self-healing infrastructure than many other vendors who have attempted this quest via its judicious use of AI, in particular, machine learning (ML).

ML is particularly well-suited to extract inferences from patterns in large data sets, and that’s just what Appnomic does. It uses ML to detect problems by looking for anomalies in... [Read more]

By the time a serious security flaw is reported behind your consumer application or corporate site, the costly damage of a breach has usually already wreacked its havoc.

Unless that report comes from someone on your side, a ‘white hat’ hacker.

But wait, what happens if that report points out thousands of potential vulnerabilities — and you’ll never marshal the resources to answer them all without shutting everything down?

Delve Security offers a vulnerability management solution that regularly tests dynamic web applications and their supporting architectures of... [Read more]

Elastic is one of a handful of genuine unicorns to succeed at leveraging an ubiquitously adopted, developer-centric open source solution -- Elasticsearch -- into enterprise sales, major investment (with a $2.5B valuation IPO in 2018) and product portfolio growth.

Their eponymous search core supports many of the real-time lookup, matching and relevance engines you use in everyday cloud apps like Uber, OpenTable and Instacart, as well as backing up applications from major financial institutions, media properties and several other well-known IT vendors.

That’s some serious cloud-native bona fides, but then again, there’s nothing stopping other SaaS vendors and cloud IaaS gorillas... [Read more]

Watch any Hollywood or TV show portrayal of hackers, and you’d think they are insanely caffeinated geeks in a pit of servers, tirelessly decrypting data streams and applying algorithms to get root-level access to sensitive systems.

But in reality, they’re lazily spamming and scamming. Playing a numbers game using phishing and automated scanning to shake out known vulnerabilities, gullible employees and unintentionally unlocked doors.

RunSafe Security isn’t trying to replace the fences and gates of security, you have authorization and IDR tools for that. Nor are they... [Read more]

 See Intellyx at these Upcoming Events


Digital Transformation Using Low-Code Lunch & Learn: Miami

Date: February 11, 2020 (12:00 - 2:30)

Location: Miami, FL

Digital Transformation Using Low-Code, sponsored by VeriTran
Lunch & Learn with Jason Bloomberg, president of Intellyx and author of Low-Code for Dummies and Greynier Fuentes, Vice President of Digital Solutions, VeriTran

February 11, 2020 12:00 – 2:00 
Capital Grille 
444 Bricknell Av 
Miami FL 

11:30AM – 12:00PM — Check-in/Networking
12:00PM – 12:15PM — Opening (Omar Arab)
12:15PM – 01:00PM — Presentation: Digital Transformation using Low-Code (Jason Bloomberg)
01:00PM – 01:30PM — Live Demo: Changing The Way You Build Apps (Greynier Fuentes)
01:30PM – 01:45PM — Q&A
01:45PM – 02:30PM — Networking & Book Signing with Jason Bloomberg

If you would like to join us, please contact Greynier Fuentes at We have limited space available.

BPM Renaissance: 5 Tips to Thrive in a Cloud-Native World

Date: February 12, 2020 (8:00 AM PT/ 11:00 AM ET / 5:00 PM CET)

Camunda Webinar

What to expect
A decade ago, business process management (BPM) focused on modeling and perhaps automating stable, repeatable back-office processes. Even with the bar set this low, many of the BPM tools on the market struggled to meet the needs of the business.

Today, business processes are more dynamic. Enterprises are more likely to focus on customer-facing, front-office processes. Low-code tools improve collaboration, increase quality, and lower technical debt. And we have yet to maximize the full power of the cloud to bring to bear. Welcome to the BPM renaissance.

On this live webinar, listen to Jason Bloomberg, president of analyst firm Intellyx, and Daniel Myer, CTO Camunda, as they discuss how today’s BPM addresses business problems the way first-generation BPM never could. They will cover the five core value propositions of next-generation BPM and explain how low-code technologies and cloud-native computing change the BPM game, allowing you to not just survive, but also thrive through these transformative times.

Jason Bloomberg attends KubeCon / CloudNativeCon 2020

Date: March 30, 2020 - April 2, 2020

Location: Amsterdam, NL

Jason is attending – To arrange a briefing during the event, just contact

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s flagship conference gathers adopters and technologists from leading open source and cloud native communities in Amsterdam, Netherlands from March 30 to April 2, 2020. Join Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy, CoreDNS, containerd, Fluentd, OpenTracing, gRPC, rkt, CNI, Jaeger, Notary, TUF, Vitess, NATS, Linkerd, Helm, Rook, Harbor, etcd, Open Policy Agent, and CRI-O as the community gathers for four days to further the education and advancement of cloud native computing.
Intellyx 3 Stooges

Intellyx is the first analyst and advisory firm focused on digital transformation for the enterprise. We help business executives and IT professionals connect the dots between disruptive new technologies and the challenges of implementing them with agility at scale to meet rapidly changing customer demands.


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